Sunday, February 15, 2009

part 3: feb 15

We posted more writings, plus we've moved to posting on the insides of the doors in the stairwell.

Combined person hours: 12
Does not include research, printing, organizing, discussion, documentation

Financial costs: to be calculated

Writings by:
yonmei, Monica Roberts, brownfemipower, Nelson Mandela, maritzia, gogojojo, idyllicmollusk, Zora Neale Hurston, E.J. Graff, sylvia, harrietsdaughter, Eli Wiesel, June Jordan, Sujata Bhatt, Pat Parker, Ruth Frankenberg, yeloson, Anonymous, stoneself, Holzman, Mitsuye Yamada, Beverly Daniel Tatum, Audrey Thompson, Unidentified

From day 3

From day 3

From day 3

From day 3

From day 3

From day 3

click below for more photos of day 3:

day 3